muscle cramps

Muscle cramps

Are sudden muscle spasms and cramps waking you up from your rest or sleep?

Muscle cramps are sudden and involuntary contractions and can be quite painful and debilitating. There are several causes of muscle cramps, including dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, muscle fatigue, and poor circulation.   How to prevent muscle cramps:– Stay HydratedStay well hydrated and maintain a balanced diet that includes sufficient electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and magnesium.– StretchStretching before …

Are sudden muscle spasms and cramps waking you up from your rest or sleep? Read More »

The difference between muscle spasm and muscle cramps!

What is the difference? Muscle cramps are sudden, involuntary, and generally painful muscle contractions, which can occur at any time throughout the day or night. These usually resolve spontaneously within minutes. Muscle spasm is a sustained, involuntary muscle contraction, which usually feels like a “knot” or “tightness”, and can be painful when you use that …

The difference between muscle spasm and muscle cramps! Read More »